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                          Sonett nr 7


I never knew a broken heart could break

And scatter in a squillion broken atoms
That every little atom thus could ache
In brokenness beyond what mind can fathom
I never knew abandoned could be left
To loneliness beyond all lonely longing
That giving of oneself could turn to theft
That violated sense of deep belonging
I never knew that pain’s a gift of gold
Vulnerability the path to fullness
That breaking even more can make you whole
And crack those broken atoms into oneness
         So to that golden pain I fully give

         Myself (the only way to fully live)

I oktober 2018 gavs Tina Quarteys sonettsamling I Took a Quantum Leap of Faith and Fell ut av ett förlag i Massachusetts, USA - the Golden Dragonfly Press. 

Genom dikterna får vi följa en inre resa. Den tar oss genom extas och själslig igenkänning, ner i underjordens mörker och upp igen. Genom sorg och tillintetgörande till styrka och transformation.

I Took a Quantum Leap of Faith was released in October 2018. Published by Golden Dragonfly Press in Massachusetts, USA. This collection of sonnets is Tina Quartey’s debut as a poet.


The poems take us on an inner journey. Through ecstasy and soul recognition, down into the darkness of the underworld, and up again. From grieving and devastation to power and transformation.

I Took A Quantum Leap of Faith and Fell - en musikalisk poesiläsning

I samband med releasen skapades en föreställning med läsning och musik, där de rytmiska sonetterna får blandas med den rytmiska musik som alltid varit en del av Tinas konstnärsskap.


I Took A Quantum Leap of Faith and Fell - a musical poetry reading


For the release Tina created

a performance with poetry reading and music, where the rhythmical sonnets

interact with the rhythmical music that has always been part of Tina Quartey’s



                readings of the sonnets

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